
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Time to Obey

In case you missed yesterday's post: Season of Silence  

These are some of the things the Lord shared with me over the course of a few days. Some was given all at once; some over course of the day after prayer. As always, take it to the Lord.

March 25, 2019

It is time! Now I have corrected you and you have received it. Now is the time to rise up, for I have given you strength. I have reached out My hand and pulled you up. You are no victim of Satan. You are a well-trained warrior.

I AM the Lord of the battle and I have sent forth holy angels to guard you and to keep you. They obey My commands. I have risen up and say, “Enough.” So many of those who call themselves by My name seek Me, they seek and seek and seek, but they will not obey and turn from their sinful ways. 
[see 2Chron 7:14, 15]
But there are those who have laid down their lives and daily STRIVE to carry their cross and do well. Though they may stumble, they do not fall. Then there are those who STRIVE to enter into the strait gate and are not able to [Lk13:24]; [because they will not let go of their sin!]. Though they may falter and stumble, they are quick to repent and continue on, often relying on Me for strength in their weaknesses.
I warned of a storm on the horizon. I warned that it is intensifying. I warned that things are escalating. Great is the evil of these days. Great is the wickedness upon the earth. It is indeed as in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. Violence is global. Hearts are becoming cold and desensitized. The gift of life is taken without thought or regret. Abominations are accepted under a false banner of ‘love’.

Compromise rules! Blasphemies and heresies against Me are accepted, even encouraged. There is no fear of God among the masses. Idols and false gods and goddesses are worshipped. People exalt one another and say, “It is good what we do!”

The spirit of Jezebel manipulates and controls people in all arenas. She has seduced the multitudes. Her prostitutes not only fornicate with the world in the arena of music, sports or politics, but they fornicate with the leaders and the congregations in many of the synagogues and the churches throughout the earth.

How far the people have strayed from Me. I would have gathered you like a hen with her chicks under her wings, but you would not. Though I still cry out to Jerusalem, I also cry out to the “churches”, those who say they are the called-out assembly, but they are fornicating with the world. They have allowed seducing spirits in and teach for profit the doctrine of demons.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets and stone them which are sent to you; how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!  [Mat 23:37]

Moral decline is now out of control, as laws are changed to appease the people. Witchcraft is embraced and glorified. Satan has deceived the whole world.
Many cry out, “Why Lord, why do you allow this?” “How long will you stand afar off and do nothing?” “When Lord, when?”

My timing is not as that of mankind, for I am the Creator of it; therefore, I am not contained by it. The prophets of old forewarned of these days. I answered the question of the apostles who asked what would be the sign of the end times and the sign of My return.

Though much is not understood about how everything will pan out, be at peace, knowing I am fully aware and fully in control. Evil has its day of rejoicing, but the time comes when it shall no longer be.

Indeed, I have spoken through many who have warned of the earth splitting open violently (earthquakes) in divers places. Warnings of great waters covering the lands (not just tsunamis but floods) and bringing death and destruction have been trumpeted. Bursts of hot elements (volcanoes) spewing forth destruction.
Those which have occurred are nothing compared to that which is coming (fast approaching).

Pray for those in New York and in Washington, DC. Woe to those on coastal lands. Woe to Damascus and Gaza. Woe to My people in the land of Israel who are preparing to welcome the false Messiah. Pray for one another. Pray for the people of Israel, of Damascus, of Gaza. Pray for your own country and all that I place on your heart by My spirit.

Do you hear the thunderous sound of troops marching? Do you hear the sound of the trumpet? Fast and pray in these tumultuous times. Seek Me while there is yet peace in your land, for the time comes when the focus shall shift to the horrors of the West, as well as the Middle East.

March 26, 2019

Pray for those in the dangerous lands. Pray for the lost. Pray for one another. Be strong and courageous for the days grow ever darker for the world and for My people.  Yet those who abide in Me shall shine brightest in the darkest hours.  [John 1:5]

March 27, 2019

(Note** - To those who refuse to let go of their sin, expecting God to magically take it, rather than laying it down and overcoming…it has gone on for years, even decades – pay attention; one last chance. BP)

Mark this day and heed My words. I have heard your prayers and know your struggles. You must decide this day, no more or all is lost. Do not force My hand to pass your destiny to another. Hear Me. Quit disobedience. Replace unbelief with faith, and fear with trust!

I will not contend longer. Do not hand victory to the enemy. Rise up or stand down!

This is not to be cruel. It is a reality. How long have you put off overcoming?Check and see the times you are in. Choose this day whom you will serve, either Me or Ba’al. Yet IF you obey My voice this day, I will bring all I promised to pass – obedience has its rewards. Obedience brings blessing.

Wait on Me, but first choose. Selah

March 28, 2019

Things are moving fast. Soon things take place like a domino effect. Many have sounded warnings over the years, just as prophets of old did. I always give fair warnings – often decades before a thing occurs, for I am not contained within time and space, for I AM the Creator of these.

A quick work, a quick work, a quick work shall I do – it shall come – suddenly and unexpectedly. Now it begins. The cloud is moving – Prepare. Christ Jesus soon returns. I have said that I see the end from the beginning. I know all things. I am uniting My people, the true believers, My remnant in this time of increasing apostasy. That which was foretold long ago is now coming to pass.

Continue to watch and pray. Pray for all I put on your heart for I am putting different things on the hearts of My people, so that as “one Body” the prayers cover all, for one or two alone cannot cover all things in prayer.

The holdup for some who are awaiting answers to prayers, or to see dreams and visions come to fruition is obedience. Did I not often remind you that the obedience of one affects many as surely as the disobedience of one does?  (think upon Jesus and Adam, obedience versus disobedience)

And Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice and listening better than the fat of rams. [1Sam 15:22]

Pharaoh is about to call Joseph out of prison (think deeply upon this). I am positioning My people. Things are escalating – great troubles are coming upon the world. My people have long waited and hoped.

Rise up! Be strong and courageous. Many are receiving the fruition of long awaited dreams and visions. Many others have been and are being slaughtered for their faithfulness to Me. Do not try to understand and figure it all out. Stay in My Word. Keep far from pride. Walk humbly and circumspectly.

I told you, just as you believed, just as you OBEYED…This is now the time. Wait…suddenly, unexpectedly. Remember also the counterfeiter. Satan knows his time is short. Tread carefully and keep a repentant heart. Walk in love, yet with discernment and wisdom. Heed the voice of My Spirit and keep your lamps filled with oil.  Selah

March 30, 2019
Famine and hunger are coming to places that have not seen it for decades upon decades. The dominoes are in place and the “push” is coming. It will start slow and build momentum; until all comes crashing down. Fear not.

This is the hour to be humble and seek My face, pray and obey. I am calling My people to holiness and righteousness. How often have I urged My people to return to the old paths, yet many greedy shepherds and false teachers are scattering My sheep in different directions, away from the strait and narrow path.

Cry out for the lost - intercede. Those with a backbone (My strength) will speak truth, and when they do, they will witness angry faces, stopped ears and words of protest and denial, just as My prophets of old and My apostles did.

Stay strong for the day of salvation is nigh at hand. Occupy, occupy till I come. [Lk 19:13] Do not argue about the day of the resurrection of the saints who died in Me and await that hour. Neither argue or debate about when the catching up of those who are alive in Me shall occur. Be ready at all times.

Watch and pray! Whether it is early (pre-trib) or late (mid or post-trib), concern not yourself, but rather keep your lamps filled with oil. My people argue over foolish things. I say occupy and endure, and be prepared for none know the hour, not even the angels in heaven, but My Father alone knows. However, My people can know the season; they see the signs.

As for those awaiting the fruition of the reality of long-awaited dreams, prayers and visions to be seen as a witness of My Sovereignty, promises and power, think upon it this way. Again I say this.

Pharaoh is about to call Joseph from the prison…

A drought and famine is coming upon the lands of My people (physically and spiritually). Yea, it has begun. Keep strong. Stay prepared in heart, mind and soul by obedience. Stay close to Me (abiding) and I shall direct your steps as you trust in Me and obey.

Do not be dismayed or downtrodden, nor look around in terror, for the day of Christ is at hand.

Put away the unclean thing and walk holy, then shall you be sons and daughters of Mine. Stand fast. Seek good and not evil that you may live, so the Lord God of hosts shall be with you, as you have spoken.  [see Amos 5:14, 16]

But this thing I commanded them saying, “Obey My voice and I will be your God, and you shall be My people: and walk you in all the ways I commanded you, that it may be well with you.” [Jer 7:23]

Do not be like those Jeremiah spoke to who would not listen or incline their ear, but walked in the counsels and the imaginations (stubbornness) of their evil heart and went backward and not forward.

(End of messages)

An Exhortation
Though God warned the people through His messengers, repeatedly, with great patience for years, they would not listen or obey. They continued on in their sin as they always had, blaming God, saying, “He does not deliver!” But the reality is: though the prison door was open, they were afraid to walk through.
All they had to do was walk forward, trusting God, but they would not. God grieved and shut the door.


(One last message) Warning! Let the above not be said of you. I chastise those I love – those who are Mine. Walk forward NOW, My child!

(Note: - The next message expounds on the last few paragraphs.)

for His glory alone


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Season of Silence

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time for silence, and a time to speak

Season of Silence

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: [Eccl 3:7 and 1]

I realize this post is a day later than anticipated, but the interruptions. Nevertheless, let us begin.

Now What, Lord?

There were many times over the past months that I had planned to post an article, but it seemed each time that I planned to do so, the Holy Spirit held me back. It was as though there was a blockade in place. It was not yet to be. I had to wait on the Lord’s timing because I was about to enter into a season that I was not expecting.

However, the Lord had things He wanted to reveal, things I was to learn and to gain understanding of. I also had to fully comprehend what “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” really entailed. However, the lesson that occurred was only the beginning of a turbulent and dark season.

Many, if not all of God’s people go through dark nights of the soul, often more than once if they have been walking with the Lord for any length of time. Some seem to enter these times more than others (as evidenced in the Bible), but Christians do experience it.

Yet, God always brings his people through, without fail, always…and it goes much easier if we can but look to Jesus.  That sounds easy, but when circumstances and life overwhelms us, it can quickly become desperation of the heart, mind and soul, yet the men and women of God who were forerunners in the faith would humble themselves and cry out to God, holding nothing back, yet walking in appropriate fear of the Lord. They are our examples in scripture.

It was around the year 2010, give or take, that I wrote about a saying that is often quipped in Christian circles, which is: God never gives us more than we can bear [or handle]. The cliché was inspired by the scripture posted below.

There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer (cause) you to be tempted above what you are able (to handle); but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.  [1Cor 10:13]

What I had written was that that particular scripture clearly speaks of temptations and how God makes [offers] a way of escape so that we can bear [overcome] it. It does not speak about severe trials (tests) or tribulations that present in this life.

No, it does not say that God will not give us more than we can handle. I wrote that indeed, we WILL come across many situations and trials in life that will overwhelm us and definitely cause us to think we cannot handle it or that we will not make it through. A sad reality is that some commit suicide, whilst others still all away from the faith.

However, the purpose behind it all is to cause us to run to Jesus; to understand our need to depend on God. It is to strengthen us, and to teach us to lean on and trust God in all things.

In August 2012, I wrote an article about the “Dark Night of the Soul”. 

(Excerpt):  As in the processes of dying and birthing, a paradigm shift is occurring, from that which was to that which must be. It begins in your own Garden of Gethsemane. Here is where great darkness falls upon the soul and spirit and the travailing begins. The flesh cries out, not desiring to suffer and die.”

Charles Spurgeon once wrote: “I bear willing witness that I owe more to the fire, and the hammer, and the file, than to anything else in my Lord’s workshop. I sometimes question whether I have ever learned anything except through the rod. When my schoolroom is darkened, I see most.

One only has to search the scriptures to see godly people suffering through staggering situations, pouring out their heart in prayer to God, in brokenness, despair and great distress. But this season has somehow been very different. It was like moving from challenging tests to the intense exams, tougher and yes, more taxing. It was as if the hardest portions of all the previous individual tests were extracted and put into the granddaddy of exams.

I know that I am not alone in this…there are others who have been feeling like a fish out of water, right on the edge of the tide. The water would splash over, just enough to keep one alive, yet somehow still just out of reach to escape into the relief of freedom. The sense of being out of place was overwhelming whilst fighting to get back in the flow of things – as if a fight for hope, destiny and life were being challenged as never before.

A Storm Brewing

At the beginning of August 2018 (eight months ago), the Lord first warned me of a storm brewing. Throughout August, the warning was repeated, yet the words “escalating” and “accelerating” were added near the end of the month. I still sensed no urgency in my spirit, but I certainly paid attention and yes, I wrote about it.

In September, the words were repeated, but added to it were the words: “A storm is brewing; it is on the horizon. Escalating, escalating, accelerating – darkness, darkness, foreboding, unprecedented.” By the end of September 2018, with the words being repeated, I felt that I was to post a message, but I procrastinated because I had no idea “what” was brewing; ‘’what” was on the horizon, or “what” foreboding darkness was escalating, accelerating.

Was the message personal? Was it corporate? I wrestled with these thoughts because I had no further details. I did not want to post anything if such words were not from the Lord. It was in the second week of October that the Lord rebuked me and said I was as Jonah, and asked me why I was running. What?! 

In my heart I argued that Jonah, firstly was a prophet, whereas I am only but one of countless watchmen. Secondly, Jonah’s message was strictly to warn the Assyrians (who carried out great evil and atrocities against Israel) who were in Nineveh to repent of their wickedness and turn back to the one, true living God.

Who was my message for? What storm was brewing and what great foreboding darkness was escalating and accelerating? I had no answers. For those reasons I did not want to write an article. But God is Sovereign and His will be done, so on October 14th last year (2018), I posted the message as led.

Deep in my spirit, I knew that the Lord did not want me to fear the darkness of the approaching storm. Many times before a storm hits, we experience heavy winds that come in sudden gusts, then die out, only to come again, as in waves.
At times we may feel drops of precipitation, but we know it is not yet the storm.

This season of darkness has been different than times before, but I posted a word in the above article. In that message, I shared something the Lord had given me. Excerpt below:

Do Not Fear the Darkness

When the darkness comes upon you, as you go through the dark season, I shall shine My light upon your heart and reveal the secret things that you have not known are there. Fear not; neither be dismayed or confounded. Be strong and of good courage. I work in the darkness; I work in ways you cannot see.

Your emotional condition is not necessarily your heart condition. Allow this piercing of the heart, for out of the wound shall pour forth all that festers and infects you. Surrender it into My hands with genuine repentance, believe and I shall heal you; you shall have a new heart. I shall shine My light into the darkness, and shall shine light upon your heart. Then shall you see clearly; then shall you know My glory in the face of My Son.

For god, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [1Cor 4:6]

(End excerpt)

The Unexpected Suddenlies

Some days after posting the message in October (2018), it was during morning prayers that the Lord once again reminded me about things happening “suddenly” and “unexpectedly”. 

The first time the Holy Spirit had spoken to me about “suddenly” was back in 2008 after all my belongings inside my purse had spilled out somewhere, unnoticed by me until I went to make a purchase. All my money (nearly $400 at the time, which was nearly every penny I had to my name), my identification, everything in my wallet was gone.

I had retraced my steps throughout the entire store and out into the parking lot. I went to Customer Service to see if anyone had at least turned in a wallet – nothing. At the time I was a foreigner in the United States (from Canada) and found myself without any identification; a frightening reality.

Although the Lord had caused me to take notice of things done ‘suddenly’ and revealed in his Word (Bible), that was the first time He had strongly impressed upon my spirit the importance of being aware of “suddenlies” that come “unexpectedly”. He drove it home with me with an example, stating that there coming events will be as sudden and unexpected as the loss of a wallet.

No amount of searching would bring answers or satisfaction. People will become angry and blame each other, and many more will blame God. The article was called, “We Overcome”, written in early 2008. So in October, as I remembered what had transpired ten and a half years earlier, I understood that things that are quickly coming will indeed happen unexpectedly and suddenly.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit was letting me know that sinful people with corrupt hearts, influenced by Satan and his wicked hosts (some being literally demon-possessed) would be behind the overwhelming wickedness happening in the world, and that which is written about in God's word about the coming great tribulation. The holy Bible is full of warnings. As hard as it is for people to understand, it is all part of God’s perfect plan.

The one and only omnipotent God (Yhvh) forewarned mankind that this would all transpire. Satan does not always ask permission to wreak havoc, or to cause chaos, to test us as many people often claim that he does. They use the book of Job in the Bible to validate that statement.

Keep in mind though that Satan did not ask God if he could carry out a rebellion in heaven, nor did he ask God if he could tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, at the same time, remember that God is Sovereign. Try as he may (and he does), Satan cannot overrule the will of God.  

We do not fully understand why God allowed the heavenly rebellion or the temptation in Eden. We try to reason it out and speculate with the information we have. But one thing we can be confident of, God is omniscient (all-wise; all-knowing, all-seeing). He is Sovereign and omnipotent (all-powerful, almighty). Our own wisdom is foolishness to God.

The very morning after (November 7, 2012) Obama was elected for a second term, I was led to write, Now It Begins. Below is an excerpt:

I have risen from My throne. The shaking increases – judgment falls, and has been falling for some time. It shall increase. It is moving over the lands as surely as death moved over Egypt at the time that the first born of both man and beast were slain [Ex11:5] when Pharaoh’s hard heart had no fear of the Creator of all things. 

(End excerpt)

A Sudden and Unexpected Occurrence

The Holy Spirit had spoken to me once again about how God does things suddenly and unexpectedly, yet cautioned me that the adversary (Satan) does the same, always seeking to counterfeit the things of God (Yhvh). On that same day, on a return home from running errands in town, I was waiting for a green light.

At that time of the year (October 20th) here in British Columbia, Canada the sun is right on the horizon at 4:30 in the afternoon, which is very challenging for drivers facing west. I had put the sun visor down, but the sun was still at such a degree that the visor was of no help.

I was in the left turning lane, awaiting a green light. There were only automobiles in the turning lane for oncoming traffic, but no vehicles in the lane for traffic that was going straight through. I saw no pedestrians waiting to cross the road.  When the light turned green, I proceeded to make my left hand turn. What happened next was completely unexpected and very sudden.

As I was in mid-turn, I saw a woman about three feet from the driver’s window. For an instant I thought she looked angry. About three seconds after I saw her, I heard a sudden thud. Horrified, I pulled over as soon as I made the turn, thinking the ‘thud’ may have been another person. I was shaking when I exited my vehicle. Books were strewn across two lanes. With great angst, I looked toward the back of my SUV, trembling at what I might see.

I saw two small wheels like those seen on a small folding shopping cart. I was relieved that I had struck an object and not a person! Yet I was not fully convinced in my mind, so I continued scanning the sidewalk and road. How grateful I was that no one was injured. I could not believe I had not seen any pedestrians. How could I not have seen her, if not on the sidewalk, then at least crossing the road...sun or no sun?

In shock, I paced back and forth between the woman and my SUV a couple of times, absorbing all that transpired. But it was less than thirty seconds when my mind finally was clear enough to ask the woman if she was alright. I knew she was because she was picking up the spilled books, but it was as though I had to hear the words come from her own lips.

She would not answer me, nor would she even look at me as she placed an armful of books down on the sidewalk. It was as if I were invisible. Is it possible she was deaf, I wondered. I asked again. Still no response – confused and guilt-ridden, I paced toward the vehicle and then back toward the elderly woman.

There was a tall man of Asian origin standing on the sidewalk that she had excitedly asked to be a witness. I interjected, stating that a witness was not necessary, as I was admittedly at fault and would be shouldering the responsibility. She again acted as though she did not hear me.

When I asked her a second time if she was alright she emphatically replied that she was calling the police. She asked the man again about being a witness, but he quietly said he knew no English. He was soon joined by a woman who exited the fast food restaurant and they got in a car and left the scene.

I realized the woman had not been injured, but for one last time, I asked if she was alright. She uttered a hasty, crisp ‘yes’, but still refused to look at me. I sat on a short wall on the sidewalk’s edge like a defeated soul.  A female employee from the restaurant came out with a takeout cup of cold water. She came directly to me, asking if I was alright. I nodded and thanked her as I took the cup and thirstily drank the cool drink.

I was shocked that she came to me first, as it was obvious that the woman standing by the two piles of books was the victim. A tear escaped one eye as I explained that the sun had blinded me and that I had not seen any pedestrians. She calmly stated in a matter-of-fact way that many people have a hard time seeing in that direction (west) at that time of day and year. She reminded me that it was an accident and not to beat myself up over it.

She placed a hand on my shoulder and told me to relax. I felt peace as she touched me and I sincerely thanked her, still amazed that she had come to me first. The pedestrian turned out to be a 74 year old woman, seemingly physically fit, but who certainly did not look her age. The employee said that she had just finished her shift as she re-entered the premises. She returned with another cup of water for the victim, offering to drive her to wherever she wanted to go.

It was in retrospect that I realized that in my state of shock I had never even helped the woman pick up the books. The elderly lady had wanted the employee to be a witness, but the Good Samaritan stated that she had only seen the aftermath. I do not know why, but I turned to the victim and suddenly blurted out, “God really loves you. He spared your life with no injuries!”

The employee agreed, saying, “Yes, God is good.” Well, that seemed to soften the old woman’s heart and finally she looked at me, smiled and said, “Yes, He does and I felt his light.”  

I felt further peace and gratitude for the kind employee. She was like a peacemaker, calming two different sides. The thought struck me that God saw to it that we were all Christians, but I would learn that I was wrong. The statement about God’s love brought a paradigm shift into the situation.

NOT a picture of the actual books

The woman said she had been on her way to the library to return the books (30 altogether). She was folding the damaged backpack that she had been pulling behind her. Unfortunately, the folding shopping cart was destroyed, but only four of the thirty books were damaged.

The backpack was ripped and the wheels were caught up under my rear bumper. Again, I mentioned the mercy of God and his love for the woman to spare her. Oddly, this time she looked at me, smiled and returned the hug I offered. We exchanged first names and phone numbers.  The police arrived.

The hazard lights were flashing on my SUV, so traffic moved into the other lane. As I moved the vehicle into a nearby alley, the wheels dislodged from the bumper immediately and fell to the ground. The officer picked them up and placed them on the sidewalk. The female employee then took the fragments, along with the books, to her car. She waited in her vehicle as the officer got the other woman’s information.


Within five minutes, the accident victim was gone. The officer got my information next. He said something that startled me, so I repeated his words. “Handcuffs?!” He looked at me momentarily puzzled. After a moment, he laughed.

 “No! I said, ‘hang tough’.” He added, “I will be back in a minute. I have to get a case number.”  He was still chuckling as he headed for the police car.

I felt like a donkey, but thank goodness! I had thought I was going to be handcuffed and placed under arrest. The whole thing took less than ten minutes since the officer’s arrival. He returned from his vehicle and actually apologized for having to give me a ticket, but stated that he had no choice since the woman had called the accident in.

Then, after he wrote the ticket up, he informed me that I did not have to sign it, but if I did it meant that I was taking full responsibility. I quickly grabbed the pen stating that I was at fault, so yes, I accepted responsibility. It was a bit of a steep fine, but to me, it was a small price to pay. 

No one was hurt or worse yet, killed. He smiled as he handed me the signed ticket, shook my hand and wished me well. “I’m free to go?” I asked.  Chuckling again, he joked. “Yes, no handcuffs today. Go home and relax!”

As I drove away heading home, the whole thing seemed so profound. Why had I not seen the woman at all, not on the sidewalk and not even when I began my turn? Was this the storm that had been brewing on the "horizon"?

Why did the female employee come to me first to see if I was alright, knowing that I was the driver and not the victim? Why did a police officer literally apologize for having to ticket me? Why shake my hand, wishing me well? It seemed so surreal.

Witchcraft and the Subtlety of the Enemy

I will not go into all the details, but a couple of hours after the accident, I called the woman to make sure that she was alright (mentally, emotionally). She assured me that she was fine, adding that her son, who she said was a Christian agreed with me that God had spared her. Again I mentioned the love of Jesus and how he had intervened. She agreed adding that the “light and love shone in the darkness; love and light were the guides.”

Over the course of the next two weeks, we spoke a total of three more times. What I learned during our short conversations proved to me that I had to pray for increased discernment because I had not expected the information I gleaned from our talks.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. [2Cor 11:14, 15]

The books that the woman had, all thirty of them, were books about Hallowe’en, its origin, history and how to celebrate the ‘high holy day’ (her words).  She had intended to teach her grandchildren all about the "special day" by reading them the books. Hallowe’en was coming up in only 11 days from the day of the accident.

When I stated that Christians do not celebrate that day as witches or occultists do, she stated that there were countless “good witches” that were slaughtered by Christians. Even Christians were burned at the stake or hung, she added. She was not pleased when I said that there was no such thing as a good witch and that witchcraft is witchcraft and seen akin to rebellion in God’s eyes. [1Sam 15:23]

Let love and light be our guides again”. 

So, although the woman from the accident (yes, I know her name) said the words with a slight twist (typical of Satan), it comes from the Rede of the Celtic Wiccans. However, I found in my research that there is more than one Wiccan Rede.

Yet only the Celtic one mentions “love and light”. The others mention “perfect trust and perfect love”. However, nothing that comes from Satan is love or light, nor does he have anything to do with “perfect trust and perfect love”. He is the father of lies, counterfeiting everything that originated with the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within them.

I also learned that the reason I hit the cart or backpack on wheels that she was pulling is because she admitted that she “let it go” (pushed it).It was understandable, but I had momentarily questioned within myself if a Christian would do that. I reasoned that none of us is perfect in our walk (including myself) and that it was likely done spontaneously out of anger because I had come so close to her. 

That is why there was a delay (three or so seconds) in the “thud” I heard after I saw her about three feet away from my driver’s side window. The bag was certainly not three feet long.  It all was beginning to make sense.

At one point, my insurance broker told me that I was being sued for three million dollars. I was flabbergasted because I had not even touched so much as a hair on her. The only damage was to the backpack on wheels that she was pulling and four of the books and my insurance covered the cost of replacement.

She had, however, told me that she had been to a doctor to have her eyes tested, but he had told her there was no change in them. So it became apparent that she was trying to find something wrong with her, but her doctor found nothing in his examination of her. Praise God for honest doctors!

The information about a three million dollar claim came from an insurance broker when I had stopped in to see if my insurance rates were going to increase. The info was given to me at the end of a business day, so I had to wait overnight before I could place a call to get more information. 

Meanwhile, I took the matter to the Lord. In prayer, I understood that the enemy was trying to cause stress, doubt and fear, but I was to have peace and trust God.

To confirm that which the Holy Spirit put on my heart, I placed a call to ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) the next morning. Insurance in the province of BC is a monopoly controlled by the government – it is the only for-profit public auto insurance in Canada.

Sovereign God

God rules! An agent at ICBC assured me that the case was closed, the damaged items were paid for and there was no claim to sue for three million dollars. Two weeks had passed already since the time of the accident. Also, my insurance rates would not increase, despite losing points. Even with three points deducted, I was still in the safe driver range. Indeed, the enemy had tried to put a spirit of fear upon me, but God’s word proves true.

Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. [Phil 4:6, 7]

I did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2Tim 1:7]

Satan can be subtle or aggressive. What happened was indeed an example of Satan’s aggression and how he counterfeits God by doing things suddenly and unexpectedly. When we write things down that the Lord speaks to us, Satan's watchers (demons) see it and report back to him.

I am fully persuaded that what happened that day was no accident, but a plot by the enemy to do great harm not only to me, but to a person who ‘worshipped’ him through witchcraft. But God! I am convinced that God intervened.  

Case in point – I went back to the fast food restaurant to personally thank the female employee that brought out the cups of cold water for both of us, and who went out of her way to drive the victim to the library and then home. 

Guess what? No such person worked there. I described the woman to a regular daytime staff member (I did not have a name). There was only one woman who might fit the description, but I would have to return as she was not there at the time of my inquiry. 

The person I met when I returned was not the employee who came to the aid of us both that day. There are only three women and three men that work at that particular establishment full-time and four part-time students. The manager is a male. There was no woman there that fit the description I gave. So, who was the mysterious employee? No one knows…Hebrews 13 verse 2 speaks of entertaining angels unaware.

Secondly, I have been to that corner countless times in the past five months since the accident. I was the first vehicle in the turning lane. There was no music on to distract me, neither was I lost in any deep thought. I was focused and alert. For the life of me I cannot understand how I did not see the woman at the corner waiting for the walk signal, even with the blinding sun.

And I do know I looked for pedestrians, as always. Now I am not one to blame every bad thing on Satan. Accidents do happen, typically through human error. Only four months earlier, a relative very close to me was driving home when he struck a pedestrian.  The woman succumbed to her injuries a few hours later.

This hard-working, dedicated father of a toddler not quite two, who was driving home from work, is now awaiting trial. He broke down in tears as the charges were read against him in court because his heart breaks that he was responsible for the death of someone. It also is broken for the family that lost a loved one. He has no criminal record but now his entire life is altered. I pray to God for a miracle for him. Perhaps the Lord will use this to draw the young man to Jesus. He is only twenty-seven years old.

So yes, accidents happen. Human error occurs. And when my accident happened, I was greatly shaken at the reality of what “could have been”, with the memory of the young man's accident still fresh in my mind. The only thing I can ascertain is that the enemy blinded me so that I did not see her and that God allowed it as an object lesson to show me the reality of the “clash of the kingdoms” Is upon the world now, and how the enemy also moves “suddenly” and “unexpectedly”.

It was the very morning of the accident that the Lord had been speaking to me about how He works suddenly and unexpectedly, such as the parting of the Red Sea, the destruction of Jericho and its tumbling walls, the great flood, or as on the day of Pentecost, or as in miracles.

One thing the Lord asked me, as he had once before when I came across those practicing witchcraft. What would I do, knowing that the victim was into witchcraft? Answer: I prayed for her deliverance and salvation and have several times over the past months, as she is getting up there in age. That is what we are to do, to pray for the lost, but never are we to compromise in order to win them to Christ.

Witchcraft in the Neighbourhood

It was only about a month and a half or so after the accident that the handyman of “someone in the neighbourhood” (names and details are withheld to protect the identity of those involved), who knows I am a Christian, knocked at my door extremely distraught.

Winter was nigh and it was cold, so I invited him in. He had discovered a book on a certain property that had been negligently been forgotten by someone we both know. Although he thought it was just a notebook, it was actually what is known as a Book of Shadows, which is a witchcraft book that contains rituals, spells, pagan “sabbat” days (days that are celebrated and considered sacred by witches), recipes, private writings, astrology, charts and more. It is a personal book.

He was greatly upset by the spells (which were descriptive as to the candles needed (colour and number), items required, what moon phase a spell was to be done under, incantations, whether a sacrifice was needed and if so, what etc). Spells for revenge, sickness, calamity, curses, hexes, healing, sudden death and much more were detailed in the book. Some of the language in a couple of portions was extremely vulgar. Great fear was upon him.

He wondered if he should return the book. I did not think that was a good idea because then the person involved would know that he knew who they really were and what they were up to in secret. 

The owner of the Book of Shadows involved calling on Bel (master, lord aka demons), at times naming Baphomet and/or various gods and goddesses to carry out an evil act. The person also relied on the elements, earth, air, wind and fire. 

It seemed that the person is more of what is known as an eclectic witch (one who draws upon many sources and has their own form of practice). There are different types of witches. They do not consider themselves all the same, not in beliefs or in practices of the 'craft'.

Although I remember the person once expressed interest in finding a coven, they had not done so yet to my knowledge, as they prefer seclusion. It matters not because witchcraft is witchcraft, though some have been deceived to believe the ‘craft’ they practice is for good and not evil. However, the owner of the book stepped over the boundary with some nasty spells that were written.

He calmed down when I told him that I would fast and pray, not only for protection for him and others (a couple of individuals named in the book), but also for wisdom. He later told me that he burned the book, but unfortunately he unwisely told someone who is a friend of the witch involved. Not a good thing – yet more lost and deceived souls that need prayers for deliverance and salvation.

Witchcraft is on the increase, just as the Lord forewarned me back in 2010 and again in early 2012 (article I wrote was called Now It Begins). That was the third time in a year that I have come face to face with people who are blatantly or secretly practicing witchcraft. (I personally know the owner of the Book of Shadows. The person claims to be Wiccan, but denied that they practice witchcraft. They profess to be merely a lover of nature.)

I have never said a word to this day, yet oddly, that person has avoided me, likely tipped off by a spirit of divination, or possibly the man who made the discovery of the book mentioned to the witch’s friend that he had shown the book to me. Each time the Lord asked me what I would do now that it was revealed. Each time my response was the same, to pray with fasting for their lost souls – (deliverance and salvation). I continue to pray for the person(s).

I understand that some Christians go to extremes blaming Satan for everything that goes wrong, without admitting that some things that occur are direct results of sin. However, the reality is that darkness, gross darkness is covering the earth today. Witchcraft is promoted and even encouraged. Satanic rituals are carried out in public and glorified in the music industry, in sports, movies, opening ceremonies and dedications…the list goes on.

Evil itself is escalating and accelerating. Witchcraft is very much a part of it as the world readies itself for the Antichrist and the beast system. The younger generation is being taught through Harry Potter books, movies, music and lyrics, and other venues, making evil look attractive, calling it good. It is not my intention to delve into the topic here and now; however, I am beginning to unpack what has been going on in these past few months.

There has been some backlash occurring in my life, which I believe has been a direct result of my interaction with those mentioned above. Obvious demonic attacks began a little over a year ago at a church I was attending. I felt that I had walked into a witch’s coven the very day I first entered the church, but because there were true believers in attendance, confusion fell upon me.

The Lord moved on me to stay for almost a year, but I could never shake the sense that witches were also attending. It was a year of confusion, attacks, fasting and much prayer.  After a 31 day fast, the Lord opened my eyes, ears and understanding. He instructed me to confront the two leaders of the church (a husband and wife team) who were operating in witchcraft and a spirit of divination.

The man refused to call himself a pastor, instead calling himself a ‘shepherd’. The wife called herself an evangelist, although she occasionally preached and led in worship. Even as I walked up the sidewalk leading to the small storefront church, I had no idea what I was to say.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of scripture where Jesus was sending out his disciples to preach the gospel, cast out unclean spirits and heal the sick. He foretold them that when they went into the houses of kings and governors not to be anxious or take any thought about what they should say because the Holy Spirit would give the words in that hour. It would not be them that speak but the Spirit of the Father that would speak through them. [See Mat 10:18-20]

The Lord did give me the words at the exact time. He had me begin the rebuke and warning with the words: “God loves you.” 

Those were the first words the Lord put in my mouth to speak, so I know it is true. That got their attention and some huge smiles, but the next statement, which called them to repentance, was countered with a rebuke to me. They had such a bitter root of unforgiveness and anger towards people, and anyone who opposed or questioned them were called witches.  I wrote about it previously and will not rehash it here.

Sadly, only a few months after the Lord had me warn them and inform them of the Lord’s willingness to forgive if they would repent, they sold the church and their home and left the province. How tragic! I earnestly prayed that they would be delivered and restored. I do not know what has happened to them since they left.

But They Talk like Christians

New agers (who now often refer to themselves as ‘spiritual beings’), witches (not all witches practice the craft the same), Satanists (who oddly, most do not worship Satan) and Luciferians  (there is a difference between Satanists and Luciferians, although both believe humans are ‘gods’ – the original lie the serpent told in the Garden of Eden) will use words that sound “Christian”. They will even use quotes from the Bible.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. [2Cor 11:14, 15]

That should come as no surprise since Satan, who took the form of a serpent in the Garden of Eden, took God’s Word but twisted it to cause doubt and to present a different meaning. Satan spoke scripture in the temptation of Jesus Christ in the desert wilderness before Jesus began his ministry. Jesus countered it with scripture spoken in proper context.

Words such as light, love, evil and darkness, forgiveness etc will flow freely from the mouths of those who dabble in the occult. Every time that I came in contact with someone who practiced witchcraft, the words they used sounded Christian, but that should be no surprise since Satan is the author of confusion.

The person who owned the Book of Shadows would on rare occasion use the name of Jesus, but the Jesus spoken of was not the Jesus written about in the gospel; neither was the ‘god’ referred to the true, living God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is therein.  They speak of a false Christ and idols (false gods).

It is because of the language used that I initially thought that the woman involved in the accident was a Christian. It was only after a few conversations with her that the truth was revealed. It is why I not only pray for increased discernment, but also the wisdom to know what to do once truth is revealed.

I wanted to share what began slowly in August 2018 when I was hesitant and procrastinating about putting a message out about a storm that was brewing, even on the horizon. Even though things happened like a storm in my personal life, I do believe that the message is for the Body of Christ.

The subject of witchcraft and the different types of witches has been the subject of many books. What I wanted to say has been said, with no intention of delving deeper into it here. We cannot ignore the reality of the occult, demons, witches and Satan, even though many do, but neither can we walk in fear. 

Jesus defeated Satan on the cross when he offered up his life as the perfect Lamb slain, spilling his precious blood and dying, being buried and resurrected. Jesus Christ has all power and authority over Satan and his demonic realm and we have the victory over him through Christ Jesus.

For they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and loved not their lives unto death. [Rev 12:11]

However, it takes no genius to see that we are indeed living in the days where evil is called good and good is called evil.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!  [Is 5:20, 21]

It is getting late and I want to post this, but later tomorrow I will post a word about great waters, great earthquake, Damascus and Gaza, Washington, NYC, coastal lands and more.

for His glory alone
