
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Upcoming Programs and Newsletter

March 1, 2014

There are three programs planned on BTR (Blog Talk Radio), with the first one being tonight at 11:00 pm.  I will be discussing further insight regarding 'breakthrough', answers to prayers beginning to be reported and manifesting.  We must wait patiently.  The Lord gave me a message early this morning which I will share on tonight's program, but I will also be putting it in the next newsletter, which should be coming out tomorrow afternoon, Lord willing.  Tonight's program is both encouragement and warning.

Saturday, March 1, 2014 - 11:00 pm EST (10:00 pm Central / 8:00 pm Pacific)

Almost Parallel - His Glory in Greater Works and Great Tribulation

The times we are in are incredible, both in the positive (good) and negative (bad).  Those who are awake clearly see what is going on globally and those who are abiding in the Lord are keenly aware of what the Lord is planning.  The adversary has coordinated a counterfeit plan as well.  The Lord is Faithful and True; He not only confirms what He speaks to us personally when we reach for His Word (Holy Scriptures), but also through many other vessels of His choosing.
This is an incredible time we are in - take this to the Lord after you hear it.  The Lord receives all glory, but many of us are anticipating the coming days eagerly.

Sunday, March 2, 2014 - 10:00 pm EST (9:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Pacific)

Another Deadly Executive Order - NWO and WWIII

Jason Pillow (former Satanist) and an ex-military soldier (who goes by the pseudonym "Hotrod") will be discussing Obama's latest executive order, the push for the NWO and WWIII.  The planned resettlement and internment of the population - the gears are in motion.
You won't want to miss this informative program.  This is not to promote fear, but to encourage preparation spiritually (most crucial) and any way you are so led.

A Vision of the End by an Eyewitness to Heaven

On Tuesday, March 4th, James Chauncey will be returning to speak about his concern regarding current events, specifically the Ukraine and Russia.  He will speak about his vision pertaining to the future and the end times of the world.  He wrote about it in his book, "Eyewitness to Heaven".  Mr. Chauncey is led to warn the people in this dark hour.

I will post the link for this upcoming program tomorrow, as well as the word the Lord gave me this morning.  It will be shared on tonight's program, as well as posted in the newsletter being released tomorrow.

for His glory