
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

GridEx? NERC? - Anoint the Shield

It is 11:00 pm on the night of November 12, 2013. Tomorrow and Thursday are the two days that many expect a false flag circulating around the NERC GridEx (exercise/drill).  The first year it was held was 2011, when approximately 75 utilities, companies and agencies participated.  This year, double the companies etc have signed up - 150 total.

I've spent the day in prayer, fasting and getting some of my material off my sites and onto my external, as well as downloading the radio programs onto the external, thanks to the kindness of a friend and sister-in-Christ who sent me MP3s of all the episodes (thanks Libby!).  

My concern about the rumors, speculations and conjectures circulating (viral) online caused me to take the matter to the Lord.  After all, that is what all of us are to do, and it is something I have urged continually throughout my writings over the years, as well as over the air when broadcasting on the radio.

I considered water and many other things.  For example, should I clean the tub with a bit of bleach and fill it with water, along with every available jug?  Many things...I prayed and how I prayed to hear only the Lord's crucial.  But our Lord is so good, so faithful...He promised if we ask, He will answer.

 Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. [Ps 143:1]

The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD. [Prov 16:1]

What really triggered it the most was a dream I had the night before last - a very short dream.

I was in a building (some kind of official-looking [read: governmental] office building).  There were other people (males and females) there, but who ...the Lord did not reveal.  Suddenly, a telephone rang (land line) and a military man, who was in the uniform of a general asked me to answer it.  
The voice (male) on the phone asked for a certain person and wanted me to get him; so I told the general.  I had already been conversing with him in the dream, or at least, was standing near him before the call came through.  He asked me the name, but I told him that I did not quite catch it (I mentioned the position and nationality of the person that was wanted on the call.)  He said to find out.

So, i asked again on the phone, I repeated it to the general.  (Even in the dream, as soon as I spoke the name to the general, I could not remember the name.)   The general did not seem to know who the person was, therefore he asked me to recheck the name yet once again. I said to the general, "He is asking for (so and so); he is the Chinese general in charge. I was told to go get him.
He was in another building, in another part of the city.  In the dream, I was going along a busy city street (uphill) (I actually live in the country), when people started gasping
and shrieking, pointing upward.  As I looked up, I saw an asteroid or comet on fire speed by in the sky. It was very low to earth, but above the highest buildings.  I knew earth was safe. I awoke.

I asked the Lord, 'What does it mean, should we watch the asteroid?'  The Lord said, "No, watch the government!"  What stood out in the dream (military involvement, China, government)  The people were afraid of ISON hitting (Puerto Rico), but it will not impact earth.  

On the previous BTRadio program, one interesting aspect of the Puerto Rico situation (with the FEMA coffins, body bags, military vehicles), according to my guest, Barbara Mallett, a nuclear submarine is apparently on standby to fire at the anticipated asteroid, in order to lessen the impact, as well as the devastating consequences resulting from such an impact.

In my researching, I have not found one report about a nuclear submarine being in the waters, but intend to request a source or lead.  For now, suffice it to say, the news of a nuclear submarine being in the waters off the coasts of Puerto Rico remains  unsubstantiated at this time.  If the report can be verified, I will confirm it and supply the link for anyone who may be interested.

Why Puerto Rico has had coffins, body bags and military vehicles delivered to the little island is still unknown, but there has been much speculation and theories postulated, as people try to figure it out.  At any rate, with all that is going on, combined with the short dream I had, I had to seek the Lord's counsel on the matter of the exercise (drill) taking place over the continent (Canada, US and Mexico).

What the Lord told me is that there would not be a complete blackout as many fear on the 13th and 14th - not a false flag event.  He DID say, however, to keep alert, very alert.  Stay close to Him.  Those who know His Sovereignty know that He has everything under control.

As a step of faith that there will be no cyberattack or EMP, I scheduled a radio program for tomorrow night.  I was going to do an episode tonight, but chose to exhibit my trust in God and that He leads His people...all of us.  We just have to watch and pray to Him and He will let us know.  Bless the Lord.

GridEx?  Anoint the Shield

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm EST  (Central 6:00 pm / PST 5:00 pm)

The Lord wants us to come to Him, bring our concerns and burdens to Him.  We know this (believers do), so why are we allowing Satan to frighten us over every report.

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knows what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. [Mat 6:8]

Perhaps you already have taken this matter to the Lord.  If so, then perhaps what I'm going to share will be a confirmation.  No person knows anything for sure but the Lord, yet He PROMISED that He would do nothing, except He reveal it to His people.

My heart panted, fearfulness frightened me: the night of my pleasure has he turned into fear unto me.

Prepare the table, watch in the watchtower, eat, drink: arise, ye princes, and anoint the shield.

For thus has the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he sees.
[Is 21:4-6]

for His glory

ADDENDUM: It is now Wednesday, November 13.  It is necessary to add that we are not to throw caution to the wind (the Lord used that expression with me within the last month).  That is NOT what the Lord is implying.  As stated, He said to stay on high alert.  China being in Hawaii does not sit well with me, so I feel a need to pray about that.

I will expound on that more tonight on the program at 7:00 pm EST.  I am continuing in prayer, and certainly am listening to others.  I have often said that I believe the Lord gives us each a part, to keep us from pride, but also so that we LEARN to work TOGETHER.

One more thing that I must say, instead of waiting until tonight and that is...
The Lord is Sovereign.  Only what God allows will happen.  Judgment is upon the earth. This we all know, or should.  We must cling to Jesus and follow what He says.

None of us know nothing without Him, unless that person is operating by the spirit of divination. He wants us to test every spirit to see if it is of Him. God is Sovereign.  He has supreme authority, power and rule over all. He loves His creation, but it is all been corrupted; great evil resides upon the earth and His judgment falls, just as His Word states (Bible).

 He loves us said back in 2008 (in article "We Overcome") to expect the 'suddenlies' and 'unexpected'.  I daresay that the way the governments have been deceiving the people, coupled with the fact that those who serve Satan have an agenda. It is very possible that a false flag and blackout is coming, just they want to catch people off-guard. Please keep praying...and me too.  I will keep praying too.

for His glory