
Friday, June 28, 2013

Unseen Warfare

June 28, 2013

Tomorrow night on Blog Talk Radio (BTR), Saturday, 29th June 

Latshia Smith (Prophetic Wind Ministries)

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST

Unseen Warfare
In our three-dimensional world, we often only believe what we can see. 
How often have people said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it!"  
There is a war over mankind that has been taking place from the beginning.  Satan (Lucifer), his fallen angels and demons are determined to win the war.

However, those of us who know the Creator of all things through His Son Jesus
the Christ of Nazareth know the outcome. Yet, even knowing the outcome, we still have our battles to go through with unseen forces.

Latshia Smith of Prophetic Wind Ministries will be sharing her experiences in 
Africa and her first-hand knowledge of unseen warfare. Fascinating testimony about the power of God
 through Jesus Christ in a born-again child of God.

Latshia will share how she had all power over the enemy, even treading on
 'serpents' and 'scorpions', knowing that it is only through Christ Jesus in her 
that she was able to have victory in unseen warfare in a physical battle.
Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all 
the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means shall hurt you. [Lk 10:19]

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Street Life, Transvestites, Transgender, Death and Occult

June 27, 2013 - [o6.27.2013]

I apologize for the cancellation of Wednesday's show.

Thursday's show, June 27, 2013 will be at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST  

MATURE CONTENT - Not suitable for minors.

Street life opened my eyes to things I had never even imagined.  Learning about transvestites and transgender came in a way few would expect.

Although I had been introduced to violence, murder and death, I was about to discover love, but only after the loved one dies.

Tampering with the occult starts innocently with horoscopes, astrology and tarot cards.

for His glory


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Satan's Mafia vs King's Crews-Hells Angels vs Heavenly Hosts

June 25, 2013 - [o6.25.2o13]

Satan's Mafia vs King's Crews - Hells Angels vs Heavenly Hosts 
Satan has his mafia, but the King of kings has His own crews.  I walked amongst hell's angels here on earth, but the Lord had His heavenly host protecting me.

To understand this episode, you will need to first listen to part one of the testimony, if you haven't already.

One wrong decision led to my being kidnapped for 2 1/2 months, where gang rape, introduction to prostitution and sex slavery, drugs, violence, gun smuggling, murder and Satanism were practiced. 

Just to clarify - the gang was NOT hell's angels. The title refers to Satan and the fallen angels. Therefore, I worded it hell's angels (Satan's mafia) versus God's heavenly hosts (the King's crews). I think every country in the world has gangs, and if not, there are groups of people carrying out illegal, immoral and work shrouded in darkness.

Release from the kidnappers should have been joyous (liberating), but instead it led to a slippery slope that inevitably led me into my own dark miry pit, for a long season.

Satan had me in his grip and his hatred for me seemed to follow me in every avenue of my life. Little did I know that his demons were doing all they could to control me, but my ignorance of them kept me fighting to do right, but continuously doing wrong. More often than not, demons like to stay hidden. However, there are times that they are so obvious it takes little to no discernment. Their evil is seen and blood-curdling.

Everything I touched in those days seemed to turn to darkness - if ever a life seemed wasted, it was mine.  It would be a long journey. When I finally realized I could know longer continue the path I was on, nor could I go on alone, I cried out to God. Actually, I cried out to the walls, calling "them" God...yet, in His grace and mercy, Jesus heard me in my distress.

He came to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to this captive, open the prison in which I was bound - to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. [Is 61]
He came so that through it all, one wretched sinner, who deserves the fires of hell (lake of fire), could be saved and He alone would be [and is] glorified.

Tonight's show 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EST: 

for His glory

Monday, June 24, 2013

First the Inside of the Cup on Blog Talk Radio

June 23, 2013 - [06.23.2013]

First the Inside of the Cup on Blog Talk Radio

Every child of God has a testimony to the GLORY of GOD because of our Savior, Jesus the Messiah (Y'shua the Christ).

I will be giving my testimony, with the hopes that someone who may be struggling about whether they should turn their lives to Jesus Christ or not (or have backslidden and struggle to return) may be helped. 

The love of God is not comparable to anything or anyone we know, nor is His love comprehensible because it is so pure and holy, so deep and so profound that it is even difficult to explain that kind of love...agape love; boundless. God is love.

He is also so Faithful and True that only in knowing Him personally can we even begin to know that for a fact. {Hint: It will take eternity...}

(NOTE: Please be advised that the radio programme is no longer available due to funds. My apologies for any inconvenience BP2015)

Please join me as I share my testimony and watch and see what Christ Jesus did with this wretched sinner and be at peace, knowing that if He would (and did) save the likes of me, He can save anyone.
So great is His love...

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  
[2Pet 3:9]

for His glory

Sunday, June 23, 2013


June 22, 2013 - [o6.22.2o13]


As crazy as this may sound (and it will), I am glad I got sick.  (Told you it would sound crazy!) The Lord never ceases to amaze me with His wisdom, the ways in which He teaches us and the ways that He strengthens us and increases our faith.

As a result of the problem, followed by a heavy-duty flu (both of which I thought would surely be the end of my time on this earth), I discovered what may well have been the source of both of these maladies.  The agony that I was going through in each instance caused me to cry out to the Lord and hallelujah! - He answered me.

The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me; In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and He did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears. 
[2 Sam 22:6, 7]

The Lord led me to begin a regime that would require dedication, patience and trust. He also introduced me to supplements that I had never heard of. It has only been two weeks and already I am noticing changes. In this instant world, we want to see results overnight, but when you have had certain things build up in your body over a period of years, it takes time for them to be corrected.

Most certainly the Lord could have healed me with one command from his mouth, but the way He chose to heal me will be the most beneficial long-term. What is even better is that it will help others also. You could say that right now, I am being the guinea pig (willingly) of trying a few things, which I know will benefit others.

Is that not what it's all about? Helping each other? If you are scratching your head, wondering what I am talking about, rest assured, I will be speaking about it on one of the shows coming up this week (Lord willing). I will say that I have been detoxifying, which has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride, yet each day, through it all, I am getting better...I still have a ways to go. Stay tuned and I will keep you posted (pardon the expression)!

New Website

A sister in Christ has made a gracious offer - that being, to pay for a website for me (cost to pay someone to set it up and for the first couple months), as she has seen the troubles I have been having with the blogger.  I am so grateful and quite excited about it. 

I am also grateful for the blogger because yes, it is free. There has been a myriad of problems with posting, colours changing, splitting up of lines in text, just - too much to mention. Yet, that being said, I am and have been most thankful for this opportunity to present what I have felt led to write and share with brethren, as well as those searching, discouraged, lost, and just needing a ray of HOPE. I could not have done it without this free website.

This is also part of what I have been doing in my silence. I hope to be transferring everything from this site to the new one, once it is established.  I will keep you informed.  How I praise the Lord!

Tune in tonight to the Time of Revealing talk show (6pm - 8pm EST), as I welcome my return guest, Jason Pillow: 
(ex-Satanist),  who will be speaking about the black awakening, super 
soldiers and whatever else the Lord leads him to speak about.

Next Saturday, I will be welcoming guest Latshia Smith, from Prophetic Wind Ministries.  She will be talking about her trip to Africa, and how she faced some of the fiercest demons one could imagine.  It is a compelling testimony of the power of the Sovereign God.

Behind the scenes, I am working diligently at bringing on other guests
 that will bless you, encourage you and warn you. It is taking some time to get them to answer, perhaps they will not. 

That's what happens when you are a nameless, faceless vessel in God's kingdom.  Perhaps I should put on the Anonymous mask

...that may get some attention. Ha!

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?  [Rom 8:31]